Wednesday, June 29, 2011

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Monday, June 27, 2011

A Love Story

There's only one good thing about breaking up and that's making up, especially during the holidays. Why do people fall in love and the end up crying? Breaking up is something like untying a rope to a tree; breaking a glass or tearing a piece of paper. Being meant to be in a relationship in spite of the obstacle the couple encounter is not possible so long if any of them will do the first move to initiate the make up. If love is still prevailing, why not cope up the lost time?
I will share to you the love story of my friend. I had known this relationship because I was the "sumbungan" of their happy and sad memories of their relationship.


"Looking back, I know that I freaked out; I became a commitment-phobe,' says 25-year-old Samantha. After she graduated from college in 2002, Samantha returned home to- leaving behind Dave, her boyfriend of two years. " Dave still had another year of school left,' says Samantha. "We were totally in love, and I tried very hard to do the long- distance- relationship thing- we would see each other almost every weekend. But eventually we got so caught up in our own lives that we practically stopped talking."
After a series of strained phone conversations, Samantha and Dave ended their relationship. Determined to make the most of her new freedom, Samantha began to date "a lot", but she couldn't stop thinking about Dave. No matter how many dinner dates she laughed through, he was on her mind: "I kept asking myself, how I could have let him go?'
The breakup wasn't easy for Dave either. "When we ended, I was so upset, "remembers Dave, 24. "I missed Samantha terribly, but there was nothing I could do. She was in Cagayan; I was in Manila. I just had to get on with my life."


When Dave graduated a year later, he moved to Cebu City. Unknown to him, Samantha had also moved to the city to pursue her medical course. Then at 7:00 on New Year's morning, Samantha received a call that made her heart sink. Her best friend was phoning to say that she had been to a bar the night before and had bumped into Dave- with his new girlfriend, a beautiful blond. "When my friend told me she saw Dave with another girl, I cried my eyes out and called him immediately, "Samantha recounts. " It was vey weird. I cried even more on the phone. I just missed him so much."
Understandably, Dave had his reservations. "I didn't want to get hurt," he says, "but I couldn't not see her." He agreed to meet Samantha for a holiday drink.
Samantha recalls her feelings when she met Dave again: "I felt like someone had kicked me in the stomach. My hands were shaking. The conversation was very awkward. We were both trying to pretend that life over the past year had been great, when in truth we were both hiding a lot of sadness." But says Samantha with a big grin, "A couple of drinks were just like old times again."
The evening ended with a good-night kiss, and they quickly picked up their relationship where they'd left off. "We fell in love all over again," Dave says. "That was two years ago. Now. I can't imagine life without her." And that other blond? Promptly banished to Christmas past.

Heart Touching Love Story

I had three friends. Eric, Cathlyn, Carol. Eric was chased by all the girls in our high school. Cathlyn was one of those popular girls. Cheerleader, sexy, and stylish. Carol was just one of those plain and average girls .

Cathlyn and Carol were both totally crazy and wacko over Eric. Cathlyn didn't have to do anything to attract Eric, for she was already attractive enough. Carol on the other hand, showered Eric with love and care. Carol wasn't ugly at all. In fact, she looked sweet and pleasant. However, she wasn't a cheerleader and she didn't wear spaghetti-straps or tubes.

So like everyone expected, Eric chose Cathlyn. While Cathlyn was labeled as the cool and attractive type, Carol was just one ordinary and plain girl.

Eric always insulted Carol. He was always telling her what a 'Plain Jane' she was and how dumb she looked. It made Carol felt hurt and useless. Despite Eric's insults, Carol never gave up. She wanted to prove something to Eric. She wanted to prove that looks aren't everything. She studied hard, really hard. She became the top girl in her school and all the guys who once ignored her went after her.

Regardless of her success, she never forgot Eric. Everyday, she put a red rose in Eric's locker with the same words.
'I care for you, and I always will' Because she knew that Eric was facing a hard time.

Soon, Eric began to realise how dumb he had beenwhen he saw his beloved girlfriend Cathlyn flirting with other guys. He regretted choosing the wrong girl.

Cathlyn broke up with Eric some time later for she had found a wealthier guy. Eric felt cheated, stupid and dumb. He went to look for Carol. He knelt on his knees, and said.
"Carol, please forgive me. Do you want to be my girlfriend?" Carol rejected him, much to everyone's surprise. She only uttered these words.
"You've suffered a great loss, so I don't want you to face another one"

Eric felt disappointed. He didn't understand a word that she said to him. However, they became good friends and did everything together. Eric began to change into someone better because Carol showered him with the love he had never experienced before. His ex-girlfriends had never treated him that way as they just accepted him for his looks. In comparison, Carol accepted him for who he is and changed him to become a better person. Carol continued putting a red rose into his locker everyday with the same words. She never forgot.

One day, Carol didn't turn up in school. She didn't come for a week. At first, Eric thought that she was on a vacation with her family because she told him that she would be going Hawaii with them. He thought nothing about it until he received a call from the General Hospital. They told him that Carol was about to die. She had been suffering from cancer but Carol forbade them from telling him because she didn't want Eric to worry about her.

Now that she was about to die, she wanted to see Eric for the last time. Eric rushed to the hospital immediately. When he saw how weak Carol was, tears streamed down his cheeks.
He whispered, "Why didn't you tell me earlier? Why did you hide this from me?"
She looked at him and smiled weakly.
"When I said that I didn't want you to suffer from facing another loss, I meant this. I didn't want to tell you because I didn't want you to worry. I wanted to spend my last days with you cheerfully." Eric looked at her.
"You can't leave me!" he said.
"What will I be without you?"
"You'll be who you are now. I will always be there by your side. Never forget that. Cherish those times. Live life happily. And one more thing."
"I love you"

And she died. Eric screamed. He still couldn't accept Carol's death. He had only spent a month with Carol. One short month was enough for Carol to change his life in a way that no one could ever explain. Eric had many regrets but he knew that Carol would always be keeping an eye on him from Heaven.

Sometimes, we just don't appreciate those people who really care for us until they leave us or until we lose them. Then, it would be too late for regrets. Outer beauty doesn't matter; it's the inner one that counts. It's better to tell someone how much you love them now rather than to not tell them and lose them without telling them.

Love is when we fight till the very last minute just to show and tell someone how much we love them to live life without regrets.

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Goa vacation

Alhough Goa is the smallest state of India in terms of geographical area, it commands almost a monopoly over the inflow of tourists in India. It is Situated on the western coast of India which is also known as the Konkan coast. It is surrounded by the state of Maharashtra on the north, Karnataka on the east and south and the Arabian Sea on its west. The capital city of Goa is known as Panaji or Panjim and the biggest city in Goa is Vasco-da-Gama.

Goa is really the hub of tourism in India & provides international standards of holidaying.  promoting tourism & increase the inflow of tourists, the state has maintained world class beaches & other tourist attractions. On one hand you will get casinos at par with those at Las Vegas & on the other hand you will get ancient churches that provide the perfect picture of the deep religious faiths of the Goans.

You can find your own areas of interest in Goa since it provides a plethora of choices. You can surfing the wildlife sanctuaries if you are nature lover or you can try water sports at the beaches or just relax with a massage at the beach resorts. Goa will truly excite the traveler in you and will leave you mesmerized with incidents that cannot be experienced anywhere else. Travel to Goa to experience this magic!
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Tuesday, June 14, 2011

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Monday, June 13, 2011

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Avoid auto violations and keep a clean driving record.

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Love Quotes

“Find a guy who calls you beautiful instead of hot, who calls you back when you hang up on him, who will lie under the stars and listen to your heartbeat, or will stay awake just to watch you sleep... wait for the boy who kisses your forehead, who wants to show you off to the world when you are in sweats, who holds your hand in front of his friends, who thinks you're just as pretty without makeup on. One who is constantly reminding you of how much he cares and how lucky his is to have you.... The one who turns to his friends and says, 'that's her.'”
“I don't pretend to know what love is for everyone, but I can tell you what it is for me; love is knowing all about someone, and still wanting to be with them more than any other person, love is trusting them enough to tell them everything about yourself, including the things you might be ashamed of, love is feeling comfortable and safe with someone, but still getting weak knees when they walk into a room and smile at you.”
best Sad Love Quotesmore info. click

Sunday, June 12, 2011

Why A Professional Settlement Company Is Best For Settlement of Payments

We all need money for something or another and we often somehow manage our finances without having to borrow money from anyone else. However, when we require a large amount of money, to start a business or a buy a new home, we need the support of financial institutions such as banks to loan us some money to make the purchase.

People borrow money from banks for all sorts of purposes and there are time limits in which you will have to pay back that debt. All banks have their own payment procedures. Some allow you to start paying off your debt after some time period whereas others may not be as friendly. The trick is that, when you are looking for a loan, everyone will offer it to you as long as you have something to show for the loan. We all know banks need to keep some sort of guarantee to give you the loan. Therefore, there is no problem if you have an account in one bank and want to take a loan from another for more

All the deals

IN THE sliding doors game of AFL recruiting, the 2007 Chris Judd/Josh Kennedy trade might yet be remembered as the best win-win deal of all.

''I reckon it is,'' said Carlton chief executive Greg Swann yesterday. West Coast's Trevor Nisbett was more guarded. ''It's never a great deal when you lose someone like Chris,'' he said, ''but as it's turning out, I think both clubs are pleased with the return they're getting. They're both good players - and good people.''

Notionally, this is apples and oranges. Judd is the best, but of a common type of player, the prolific midfielder. He has won two Brownlow medals, and all three Carlton best-and-fairests since he arrived at the club, and in 2011 is leading the Blues towards the top four.

He is a natural leader, who was immediately made captain of Carlton to fill a looming moral void. He is a known quantity. He is 27. His time is now, and so is Carlton's.

Kennedy has no significant decorations, but is the type of player clubs prize for their rarity, especially in finals, a strong-marking, straight-kicking forward. Last year, he led the club for contested marks. As a big man, he is still maturing, his upper limits still not fully explored. His 10 goals in the Eagles' thumping of the Bulldogs on Sunday show what might be.

He also is a leader, drafted into the club's leadership in only his second season there. He is 23. His time is coming, and so is West Coast's. Fast.

For the Eagles, it could have been worse. Judd had resolved to return to Melbourne, and if no deal was done might have been lost in the pre-season draft, to Richmond, for nothing. But he was determined that the Eagles would have reparation.

Carlton, committed to Matthew Kreuzer with pick No. 1, had picks No. 3 and - reluctantly - No. 20 on the table. Richmond, entering late, had No. 2 and No. 18. Reportedly, West Coast would have preferred to deal with Richmond. Nisbett said the Eagles would have bartered with whoever would do a deal.

Kennedy clinched it, but only after much heartache. He didn't want to go. Judd, knowing Carlton would need all hands on deck, didn't want him to go. Carlton legend Stephen Kernahan, now president, had warmed to Kennedy as a bloke and identified with him as a footballer, and especially didn't want him to go.

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Marriage Quotes and how to use them

Marriage quotes are a very key component in any wedding speech you give. You can use a marriage quote in your maid of honor speech, father of the bride speech, and your best man speech. When using marriage quotes in a wedding, they show be love quotes, commitment quotes, or even humorous quotes.

When using marriage quotes in your best man, or any other wedding speech, make sure they are meaningful and inspirational. Don't use anything too cliché or over-stated. If you use a humorous quote, do not embarrass the bridal party or bride and groom. Keep the marriage quotes clean as to not offend anyone in the wedding or any guests. Choosing a marriage quote is effortless. Below are a few to help you out with your next wedding speech.

A few inspirational wedding quotes include, "Love is a symbol of eternity. It wipes out all sense of time, destroying all memory of a beginning and all fear of an end," "When you realize you want to spend the rest of your life with somebody, you want the rest of your life to start as soon as possible," (Nora Ephron, When Harry Met Sally), "Love - a wildly misunderstood although highly desirable malfunction of the heart which weakens the brain, causes eyes to sparkle, cheeks to glow, blood pressure to rise and the lips to pucker," "When the one man loves the one woman and the one woman loves the one man, the very angels desert heaven and come and sit in that house and sing for joy," (The Brahma Sutras), and, "Love is a symbol of eternity. It wipes out all sense of time, destroying all memory of a beginning and all fear of an end."

A wedding quote should fit seamlessly into your best man speech or any other wedding speeches you are expecting to deliver at a wedding reception. Make sure the flow works and that the quote just doesn't come out of no-where. You can introduce the marriage quote by mentioning who stated it. You can also use the marriage quote as your toast to the bride and groom when concluding your speech. Whichever way you choose, make sure the marriage quotes in your wedding speech are meaningful and go well with the content of your speech.

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iPad 2 as e-reader: Glare still an issue

Let's get something out of the way right off the bat. I have an iPad. The original. I use it as an e-reader. I like it as an e-reader. I consider it a very good e-reader. But it's not perfect.

Like a lot of other people, after the lines died down last Friday, iPad 2 launch day, I took a trip to my local Apple store to mingle with the crowds and handle the object that has been getting so much attention. My mission, however, was a little more focused than some people's. Sure, I took the Web browser for a spin and tried to get a feel for how much zippier the thing might be. But I largely ignored the built-in front and back cameras and other new features such as the Garage Band app because plenty has already been written about that stuff.

What I was most curious about was how the iPad 2 performed as an e-reader and whether Apple had done anything to the screen to make the reading experience better.

As some of you know who've visited an Apple store, Apple only loads certain apps onto their demo devices, and the Kindle or Nook apps aren't part of the offerings (only iBooks is, which I don't blame Apple for doing). So I popped open iBooks and opened a few of the titles that were present in the library, which included a few novels and color children's books.

The first thing you notice, of course, is that the iPad 2 is lighter and thinner than the original. One of the problems with the original iPad was that it was a bit heavy and you really had to prop it up on something when reading for long periods. The iPad 2 shaves off 3.2 ounces, bringing the weight down to 1.3 pounds, and it makes a difference. Not a huge difference, but 3 ounces is 3 ounces, and I'll take it. That said, it isn't light, and you'll still have to prop it up when reading for long periods.

Where you'll also see an improvement is in the overall speed and responsiveness of the device. It's not a major difference when it comes to e-reading, but e-books seemed to load slightly faster and those of you with large libraries should find that covers images get drawn to the screen more quickly when your library loads.

In June, Apple is scheduled to force booksellers like Amazon, Barnes & Noble, and Kobo to modify their apps to sell their wares through the apps themselves (with Apple taking a 30 percent cut of sales), and it remains up in the air how those companies (and many others) will respond to those demands. But thanks to the new dual-core A5 processor, the iPad 2's browser is also faster--up to 50 percent, according to reports--so for now anyway you'll be able to browse and buy e-books more quickly.

Any performance boost is good. But the real question I had was whether Apple had done anything to reduce the glare issues encountered from overhead lighting and sunlight. Apparently, according to the helpful Apple rep in the store, the answer is no.

She said that while Apple had taken steps to make the screen more fingerprint-resistant, the screen had remained basically the same in terms of resolution and contrast. While it's no Retina display, text appears sharp and the touch screen is great for navigating content, flipping pages, and highlighting words to look up in the dictionary (or just highlight for future reference). Since this is an LCD, you also won't have an issue reading in the dark, like you do with e-ink e-readers.

The rep said the fingerprint resistance was accomplished through a special coating on the screen. She also said Apple's new Smart Magnetic cover "automatically" removed fingerprints while it was on. The process seemed to involve the microfiber cloth magically lifting prints while it protected the screen. (Since there were no Smart Magnetic covers around to try out, I'll have to get an update on this from Donald Bell, who has CNET's only iPad 2 review sample out in SF).

If Apple has indeed made changes to the glass layer of the screen to make it more fingerprint resistant, it's hard to tell. The one thing I can tell you is that it didn't make any changes that would make it more glare resistant. It's still very reflective, which becomes a problem when you have any overhead lighting to contend with (those "flares" you see in the pictures are Apple's in-store lights, which are attached to the top of a glass ceiling far overhead). This reflection is issue more common than you'd think. Really, any overhead light will cause some glare and I find myself frequently adjusting my iPad's angle to help reduce it.

Does this make the iPad 2 a bad e-reader? No, as I said, it remains a very good one. But the fact is any time you put a layer of protective glass over the top of any screen (and this goes for any tablet and a lot of laptop displays), you're going to be greeted with some irritating reflectivity. I will say that I preferred the white iPad 2 over the black one for the simply reason that the white border seemed less reflective than the black one.

Later this year, we should start seeing anti-reflective color display technologies such as Mirasol hit the market. These types of displays don't appear to offer quite the color saturation that the iPad 2's display does, but they are viewable in direct sunlight, which is another complaint people have about the iPad and iPad 2: they just aren't as usable as they should be outdoors on a bright day. If you've seen Amazon's sometimes entertaining Kindle ads, you know that outdoor readability is a competitive advantage Amazon likes to tout. You can expect more of those ads.

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14th Century English Proverbs

After a storm comes a calm.
-late 14th

All roads lead to Rome.
-late 14th, earlier in Latin

All's well that ends well.
-late 14th

Art is long and life is short.
-late 14th - Hippocrates

Ask a silly question and you get a silly answer.
-early 14th

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Better late than never.
-early 14th, 1st century BC in Greek

Between two stools one falls to the ground.
-late 14th

Be what you would seem to be.
-late 14th

Charity begins at home.
-late 14th

The cowl does not make the monk.
-late 14th

Curses, like chickens, come home to roost.
-late 14th

The dog returns to it's vomit.
-late 14th

Do not throw pearls to swine.

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Saturday, June 11, 2011

What is inside your 60 plasma tv

Well, to begin with what is really plasma ? Plasma is a state (form) of matter that infact includes 99% of our visible universe. It can be described as an assembly of particles (positive and negative) of an electrically neutral medium. Though the particles in it are not tied they are not free; when charged i.e. given energy they create magnetic fields which affects each other. It was first discovered in the late 1870′s though origins of plasma exploration are half a century older. The discovery of this new state of matter later lead to many scientific revolutions such as industrial, chemical, electric, nuclear and electronic .

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Saturday, June 4, 2011

PRI Tabasco: premiar inseguridad

PRI Tabasco: premiar inseguridad

2012: sucesión local por dedazo

Luego del largo deterioro de seguridad en Chihuahua, Nuevo León y Tamaulipas, el mapa de los conflictos ha prendido los focos de alarma en Tabasco. Pero mientras el clima de inseguridad se agudiza, el gobernador Andrés Granier Melo hizo sus movimientos para imponer por dedazo a su secretario general de gobierno Humberto Mayans como candidato a gobernador.

Mayans dejó el cargo y se dedicará a afianzar la candidatura priista con el apoyo del gobernador Granier. Las elecciones en Tabasco serán en octubre del próximo año. Pero Mayans tendrá tiempo para distanciarse de la grave crisis de seguridad en el estado.

Lo malo en Tabasco, sin embargo, es que el proceso electoral de 2012 estará marcado por la inseguridad. Ante la pasividad del gobierno estatal, el clima se ha venido deteriorando como le ocurrió a Tamaulipas hace cinco años: el crimen organizado comenzó a cobrar cuotas a empresarios para evitar secuestros y comprar seguridad con los propios delincuentes, ante la pasividad de las autoridades estatales y municipales. Tabasco se encuentra en la ruta del trasiego de drogas y del tráfico de indocumentados.

Hace poco, un importante empresario ganadero acudió desesperado a buscar el apoyo del gobernador Granier porque le habían secuestrado a un familiar y pedían un rescate millonario. La respuesta del mandatario dejó pasmado al empresario:

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